Together we rise, we learn, we love, abundantly.





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Welcome to Nailsworth Church of England Primary School

We would like to offer you a warm welcome to Nailsworth C of E Primary School; a one-form, voluntary controlled school set in the beautiful town of Nailsworth within the Stroud Valleys and the Cotswolds.
We are extremely proud of our school and children. The hard-working team of inspirational staff and governors are committed to sustaining the schools Christain vision -  'Together we rise, we learn, we love, abundantly'. This integral vision and a set of core values - Love, Respect, Community and Perseverance- are at the heart of everything we do here.
We aim to provide the best possible education for every child in a safe, caring and inclusive environment where children are able to flourish. Our broad and balanced curriculum equipts children with the skills to become respectful, loving citizens and independent life-long learners.  At Nailsworth, we are educating and preparing our children for the future, ensuring they are ready to continue on their journey beyond our school, through education and life. 
We are very lucky to have a school set in large grounds with a full-sized football pitch, MUGA, a Forest School area, Community Garden, Wooded Area, Nature Area and large asphalt playground. Inside our school, we have an amazing range of facilities including; spacious classrooms for every year group, two Sports Halls, a gym, a woodwork room and a teaching kitchen.
Exploring the information on our website will provide a flavour of what life is like at Nailsworth CE Primary School, but we would encourage you to visit us to see the school in action, meet our staff and pupils and discover for yourself how your child could thrive here.

Thank you for visiting our website and taking an interest in our school.
Mrs Sarah Broadbent BEd NASENCo
Executive Headteacher

National Offer Day

Monday 15th April was #NationalOfferDay for Primary School places, where families found out which school their child will be attending from September 2024. We hope you received an offer from one of your preferred schools however,
We still have limited places available, so if you are not satisfied with your school allocation, please contact the school office to book a visit or to talk through any queries you may have:
01453 832382

? Secure your child’s educational journey with us today!

Did you know..... At Nailsworth, we love to read! Exposing children to high-quality children's literature is a key priority. If you would like to support the school in purchasing books to inspire our children, you can do so by clicking on the below link:

Click here to access our Amazon Wish List



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Together we rise, we learn, we love, abundantly.